The “Have A Blast” Business Strategy: Dianna Ranger’s Story

Christi Hegstad September 14th, 2014

“Not only has my business steadily grown this year, I’ve grown too. I always dreamed of owning my own business. To actually be living that dream is wild.” Dianna Ranger

If you’ve been in the MAP Inc. family for a while, you might remember Dianna Ranger from an issue of Do What You Love!* two years ago. She – or more precisely, a scale with her weight clearly displayed – was highlighted, along with how her weight loss Bold Goal contributed to her career development. I received a great deal of feedback from people commenting on the courage it took for her to share that with a few thousand readers!

Di’s courage continues to grow: Last year in the ASPIRE Success Club, she set a Bold Goal to launch her professional organizing business, Location Matters. This year, as an Acceleration Mastermind member, she set a significant goal in that business with an important criterion: “I will have a blast making it happen!” Di has stepped out of her comfort zone time and time again and is experiencing tremendous business growth – and a load of joy, too.

When I recently asked Di what she’s learned this year as part of Mastermind, her response hits on a crucial – but often overlooked – aspect of goal-setting:

I’ve set goals before, but I’ve got to tell you, I’m sure glad that this year I added “have a blast making it happen” because I truly have been! Now whenever I set a goal, I include something about how I want to feel not just once it’s accomplished, but along the way.

In work and life, we are surrounded by “shoulds.” One expert tells us, “You must do XYZ if you want to succeed,” another says, “No, you must do ABC instead!” When asked what she’s learned this year that has taken her by surprise, Di – who has invested in her professional development for years and is always discovering something new about herself, her work, and how she can make her impact in the world – replied:

My biggest, and best, surprise learning has been that it’s not only o.k. to be the real me in my business (as opposed to who I think I’m supposed to be), but it’s a key ingredient for joy.   

By bringing her authentic self to work each day and having a blast doing it, Di has hit huge milestones in her business: She’s attracting her ideal clients and has exponentially grown her client base, enhanced her online presence, increased exposure on her blog, and has caught the attention of others in her industry which has led to some exciting new work opportunities. 

Di expected her business to grow as a result of joining the Acceleration Mastermind. What she didn’t realize was how much she would grow as a person, too.

The mutual respect, admiration and trust within our group allowed us to very quickly shed any masks and reveal our hopes, fears, and challenges. It’s like Vegas – what’s shared in the group stays within the group. I leave each meeting with new ideas and strategies, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have a positive impact in the lives of my fellow Masterminders, too. There’s something warmly fulfilling when you know you’ve made a contribution.

So how do you grow your business or career and have a blast doing it? Follow Di’s example: Be kind to yourself, and be yourself. Express gratitude frequently. Say “No” when you need to without feeling guilty, and say “Yes” when you need to, even when it’s outside your comfort zone. Stay organized, plan ahead, and work your plan. By following her own set of guiding principles, Di has discovered that she can succeed at work she loves – and make a meaningful difference in the process.

It feels amazing to make such a profound impact in people’s lives. If you want to make your difference in the world, start with yourself – invest in your own growth and development. It will compound the impact you can make in the world.

Learn more about how Di helps people create space to live life at

* Sign up to receive our Do What You Love! newsletter by clicking “Join Our Mailing List” in the upper right corner. It’s educational, inspiring, and free!

Interested in joining the Acceleration Mastermind? Enrollment opens in October – sign up for our Do What You Love! newsletter (click “Join Our Mailing List” in the upper right corner) to be among the first to hear about it! Learn more (and meet Di in person!) at Spark – click here!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As a Certified Executive and Leadership Coach and the President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches executives and leaders to get unstuck – whether in your leadership ability, income level, or from spinning your wheels in the day-to-day – and flourish in meaningful work. 

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