Once we stop wishing it were summer, winter can be a glorious season. – Katherine May
It is six degrees below zero, with snow falling wildly, as I type this message for you.
Having grown up in northern Minnesota, you’d think I’d be used to cold and snow – especially now that I live in ‘balmy’ Iowa.
I’m not. 🙂
But I also know that wishing it away won’t bring me any closer to sunshine and tank tops and iced tea on the deck.
This week, embrace the here and now.
We might have any number of issues we wish were different.
And being a huge vision and goal gal, I believe in envisioning where we want to be and taking consistent action to move us there.
But along with that comes a willingness to embrace – or perhaps at least accept – where we are right now.
I fully admit I am not the best at this. But I am continually learning. After I publish this blog, for example, I will put on my 23 layers of clothing and head outside for my walk.
There’s a meme floating around the internet (attribution unknown) about being both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time.
What will help you embrace the here and now while continuing to move toward a better, brighter tomorrow?
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