In coaching calls lately, the topic of “permission” has come up rather frequently. Many times my clients are very clear on what they most need or want to do, they simply need to give themselves permission to actually do it. This is especially the case if their idea goes against the grain.
I am not immune to this need. For a while, I’ve felt the need for a day free of engagements and responsibilities in order to re-clarify my vision, re-focus on my goals, and invite a fresh burst of energy into my work and life. One day last month, I gave myself permission to take this Focus Day. The photos accompanying this post highlight just a few of the ways I spent this time.
You might be thinking, “An entire day off? I wish! I just don’t have time for that.” Believe me, I hear you. But I decided to make time for it, and set the intention that it would yield benefits that outweighed the challenge of stepping away from my business for the day.
My Focus Day more than rewarded me for this effort. A few of the many benefits I experienced:
Breakthrough. I had been tackling a challenge for quite some time but, despite my best efforts, not making much headway. I began my day with journaling in a new setting, and this change of scenery prompted a massive unlocking: I realized why I was struggling and also generated several solutions to move forward. That in and of itself made Focus Day worth it!
- Rejuvenation. We all work hard and have many demands placed on us each and every day. One of my Focus Day requirements was completely unplugging: no laptop, no social media, and abundant time in places that feed my soul. I found myself simultaneously soothed and energized.
- Continuation Of The World Turning. I say this somewhat facetiously, but the reminder is important. Along with all those aforementioned demands, don’t you feel like you must continually take care of them immediately? On Focus Day, I put nearly everything on hold and, lo and behold, the world kept on spinning just fine.
- Increased Presence. Ram Dass wrote a book titled Be Here Now. Though I try, I’m not always here now: I’m often thinking about an upcoming meeting or who needs to be where and when or 5 million other thoughts. On this day, I consciously chose to be very in the moment and, though I’m far from perfect, I’ve found myself able to sustain that much better since Focus Day.
Energy yet calm. Rejuvenation yet stillness. Affirmation for where I am yet prompts for change for the future. Focus Day seemed to be an experience of opposites that balanced themselves beautifully.
Many thought leaders recommend taking a day like this every month. When I asked on my Facebook page how friends would spend such a day, they shared not only a number of fantastic ideas, but also the sentiment that they hadn’t had such a day for themselves in months – or even years. Which is why I feel the urge to blog about this experience.
Taking an entire day off was not easy: it required advance planning, handing over the reins of some important tasks to others, and a fair amount of preparation. But I can honestly say it was worth it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
If you haven’t experienced such a day in a while, I strongly encourage you to do so. Spend some time in advance choosing how you want the day to look – in part so you don’t spend precious Focus Day time trying to decide, but also because the anticipation leading up to it will fuel you!
Reflect on your purpose for the day. Is it to clarify and re-focus your attention on what matters most, as mine was? To relax? To shift to a new mindset for the next chapter of your work or life?
If you, like me and so many others, feel you need permission to take a personal Focus Day, you can consider this article permission…but remember, the greatest permission comes from you.
Let me know what you experience from your day! We can chat about it on Facebook and Twitter.
What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it?
Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids.
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What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it?
Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids.
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