Spring Clean Your Calendar

Christi Hegstad March 16th, 2015

“As a miminalist, every possession serves a purpose or brings me joy.”
Millburn & Nicodemus

Coaching Tip for the Week:

Have you ever boxed up a load of clothes or household items and brought them to a local charity? How did that feel?

Have you ever done something similar with your calendar?

We’re nearing spring, the season that urges us to clean our space, clear away the excess, and open our windows to let in the fresh air.

This week, apply the spring cleaning theory to your time. Evaluate your activities through the lens of your purpose, priorities, values, and joy. Have you ‘outgrown’ some of what occupies your time? Are there meetings on your calendar solely because they’ve always been there?  

It’s been said that you can tell a person’s true priorities by looking at their checkbook and calendar. Decide what you might let go of in order to create more space, purpose, and fresh air in your work and life.

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What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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