Coaching Tip:
What goal or idea are you putting off?
Chances are high that the reasons you’re procrastinating – time, money, responsibility, training, etc. – all come down to one underlying theme: FEAR.
Fear shows up in funny, subtle, and unexpected ways.
Left unchecked, we can delay for years what we’ve built up in our minds to be impossible – or at least highly unlikely. After embarking on a dream or pursuing a goal or making a change, however, so many of my coaching clients say, “My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner!”
Inspired Action:
This week, turn your fear into curiosity.
Consider a big dream or bold goal that keeps calling to you. Instead of pushing it aside, simply ask a few questions:
What small step could I take toward this right now?
Who do I know who has done something similar?
What if I gave it a try, just to see what happens?
One small mindset shift could change your life!
Need help, accountability, or an action plan? Let’s talk!
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