I’ve set three Bold Goals for 2022. If you ask me what they are, however, I might not exactly remember.
Not because they’re not important to me – they definitely are.
But because I’ve broken the goals down into smaller pieces, and I focus my energy on where I want to be this month + this week.
I know that if I reach those milestones, I am on track with my year-end goals. This reduces my overwhelm tremendously.
This week, break your goals into manageable pieces.
With your year-end goal, you might wonder, “What do I need to do today, in early February, to achieve it?”
The answer may evade you.
Much easier to answer, “What do I need to do today to achieve this week’s milestone?”
If you need help creating the action plan for your Bold Goal, contact me – I’ve guided countless people to design theirs in a one-time coaching session!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for coaching tips, book recommendations, and more!