Redefining Courage

Christi Hegstad January 23rd, 2015

How courageous are you?

Sometimes when I ask that question, people respond along these lines: “Well, I don’t work a dangerous profession where I’m in the line of fire. I don’t take a lot of huge risks. I am not a very courageous person!”

If this sounds familiar, I encourage you to reconsider how you think about and define courage.   

It takes courage to admit your mistakes and to work to make them right. 

It takes courage to tell a group of people you’ve just met that you feel uncertain, lost, or that you are still wondering what you want to be when you grow up. 

It takes courage to ask for help. 

These are just a few of the ways I have witnessed courage in the past several days.

And here’s the beauty: Courage is contagious. Every time you display courage, you inspire others to be courageous, too. And each time you show courage, YOU become more courageous in the process.

COACH CHRISTI’S CHALLENGE: Pay attention today for examples of courage in action. Did a coworker speak up in a difficult situation? Did you read a heartfelt blog that showed the author’s vulnerability? Did a strong friend reach out for help? Watch for, and make note of, those examples that inspire you. 

And make sure you include some examples of your own courage in your reflection, too! I’m willing to bet you’re more courageous than you think.

What examples of courage have you seen lately? Share your thoughts below, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter!

Dr. Christi Hegstad is a Certified Coach passionate about helping you design a meaningful career and purposeful life. As President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches, speaks, and writes to guide you to flourish with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action!

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