Re-Fueling Your Watered-Down Life

Christi Hegstad March 27th, 2015

“I spent the afternoon with my young daughter,” a new client recently shared. “I was so looking forward to that time together, but you know what happened? I spent the whole time worried about an upcoming deadline at work, checking my emails for a school update I was expecting, wondering what I’d make for dinner, and a bunch of other stuff.   

“I was with my daughter, but I wasn’t really with her – and I was so sad about that at the end of the day.”  

Can you relate? 

This quarter, the ASPIRE Success Club has delved deep into topics of purpose, priorities, and how we spend our time. For many, focus often seems a luxury we simply cannot attain due to distractions, multitasking, competing expectations, and never-ending, multi-page to-do list.

The result? Your body is here, your mind is there, and – as Kipling might say – never the twain shall meet.

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Stephan Rechtschaffen, physician and co-founder of the Omega Institute in New York. He described this experience of being in one role (i.e., work) and thinking about another (i.e., the kids) as a leading cause of ‘time poverty’ – the feeling that we never have enough time, and we’re rarely fully present in any activity. Aside from feelings of frustration and overwhelm, time poverty can lead to health issues, relationship struggles, and more. 


One of our ASPIRE members phrased it this way: “I don’t want to be multitasking and spreading myself so thin. I want to live at full-strength rather than being a watered-down version of myself!




Do you feel like you’re treading in a watered-down life? Here are a few questions to ask yourself in service of a full-strength version of you:

  • What could I do first thing in the morning to start my day off positively?
  • When do I feel “in the zone” and how could I feel that way more often?
  • How could I bring a stronger sense of purpose to my work each day?
  • Whom do I admire for her/his focus, strength, or priorities? (Hint: Invite that person out for coffee!)
  • How might I help someone else experience more focus or intention?
  • What matters most to me? How can I honor that this week?

COACH CHRISTI’S CHALLENGE: In the next few days, commit to 3 intentional moments of fully-engaged presence. Set up a meeting with your overwhelmed team member and focus 100% on the conversation. Take your child to the park, power down your phone, and hop on the swings with him. Wake up 10 minutes early and fully savor a quiet cup of coffee or tea before the bustle of the day begins. 

After each intentional, mindful moment, make note of the experience. The more you can bring these moments into your workday and life, the more “filled up” you will feel.  

And you might just find that your full-strength life isn’t just a dream, but a reality that you create – by design, with intention – moment by moment by meaningful moment.    

How will you ensure you’re living a full-strength life and not some watered-down version? Share your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter!


What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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