“There’s nothing that says you have to quit your day job to cultivate meaningful work. There’s also nothing that says your day job isn’t meaningful work – maybe you’ve just never thought of it that way.“
Brene Brown
Coaching Tip of the Week:
Recently, I have posted several tips on Instagram and Facebook for experiencing meaningful work – no matter your role. I love the wisdom, insights, and examples you share with these posts!
Meaningful work does not accompany a certain job title, type of role, manner of work, or anything else external. I have met physicians, parking garage attendants, accountants, receptionists, baristas, CEOs, farmers, appliance repairers, soldiers, administrators, custodians, and countless other professionals who work with meaning.
And my guess (and what my research shows) is that these individuals would engage in meaningful work even if they did something completely different.
That’s because they don’t wait for meaning to find them. They bring the meaning.
This week, bring meaning to your work.
Connect with how your role helps coworkers, customers, and others. Seek input from others if needed.
Go above and beyond for a client, in a way that lets them know you care about her or him as a person.
Shift your mindset, especially about your non-favorite tasks. Cleaning up after others can be drudgery, or it can make an environment inspiring and welcoming…you choose.
Take the initiative to do more of whatever you feel is lacking in your work environment. Leaders don’t show their appreciation enough? Start showing appreciation for others yourself. Don’t feel very confident? Help someone else grow in their confidence.
Be the meaning-maker this week, month, and quarter!
Share your thoughts below or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter! And if you’d like coaching to gain clarity on your goals and action plans, let’s talk.