Questions For The Second Half Of Your Year

How's the second half of 2024 looking? Let these questions help you answer that in a positive, purposeful way!
Christi Hegstad June 6th, 2024

As you look ahead to the end of 2024, what do you see?

If that seems too far off to contemplate yet, we’re already approaching midyear – which means New Year’s Eve will be here before we know it!

I’ve shared many midyear and year-end review suggestions in this blog over the years. Today, however, I’d like to share some questions to ask yourself specific to the second half of your year. Grab a journal and a beverage, and let’s do some visioning!

What are my top 3 goals between now and the end of the year?

Note: These may differ from those you established at the start of the year!

With whom do I most want to connect?

This may include new people to meet, friends you haven’t seen in a while, or family members with whom you want to deepen your relationship.

How can I live a bold + meaningful life?

Feel free to replace these adjectives with ones more personal to you.

What new project or endeavor do I want to explore?

There is great value in being a beginner! Plus learning a new art or skill can serve as an excellent energizer.

What are my highest-tier priorities?

Unlike values, our priorities tend to change over time. What five or so life priorities matter the most to you now?

What do I most want to be celebrating when 2024 comes to a close?

Whether this involves a collection of your previous responses or just one or two key themes, deciding now will help you focus your energy and attention accordingly.

I am answering these questions myself this week, as well as writing another brief letter from my future self to seal up and reopen at the end of December. Let me know what other questions you’ll ask in your midyear session!

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