As per tradition, here are some of the lessons I learned, relearned, or was reminded the value of during the second quarter of the year:
1. Role models can show up in the most unexpected places. Stay open.
2. We are ever-evolving, therefore our routines + systems must be willing to evolve, too.
3. Instant energy boost: Complete a task you’ve been putting off for ages.
4. Chances are good you are underestimating – and under-celebrating – yourself.
5. Decide who + how you want to be in the world regardless of external circumstances.
6. One moment of conversation with a trusted source can prevent one week of overthinking.
7. Random picks off the library shelf sometimes turn out to be the best books.
8. The best way *forward* may involve a bit of going *back* to basics.
9. Choosing a different path can take courage – whether it’s different from the ‘norm,’ from expectations, or from what you’ve been doing for the past 10-20-30+ years.
10. You’re doing great. (Yes, YOU.)
Does one of these resonate with you? What other lessons did Q2 bring you?