Purpose, Hobbies, and Meaningful Action

Can you experience your purpose in action even amidst leisure activities and hobbies? Absolutely!
Christi Hegstad September 11th, 2024

The official seal of approval is in: My furry nephew liked the cross stitch I made!

After a several-year hiatus, I recently rekindled my cross stitch hobby and am having SO much fun with it! I’ve also been exploring this and other hobbies through the lens of purpose and finding some fascinating connections. For example:


One component of purpose, how I define it, is passion. And one big clue of passion is losing track of time while engaging in the activity. This is definitely the case with me and cross stitch!


One of my core values is growth. This year I’ve been choosing a cross stitch ‘focus piece’ each month, then taking a before and after picture at the start and end of the month. I know that I continually grow as a stitcher with each piece, and it’s cool to see a visual representation of that occurring along the way, too. (Especially when some pieces take years to complete!)

Involving Others

While purpose is very personal, we do not live in a bubble – and our purpose typically involves something greater than ourselves, including others. In this instance, my hobby involved my furry nephew and his family, friends I stitch with, people who have seen me stitching this piece, stitchers I’ve learned from, the small business on Etsy that I purchased the pattern from…even you, since you’re reading this post!

Part of my Purpose Statement is to inspire positive action – so if this prompts you to engage in one of your favorite hobbies, I’d love to know!

Purpose is with us at work, at home, in line at the hardware store, driving down the freeway, and in the midst of our hobbies. If you’d like to uncover and write your Purpose Statement, contact me about coaching – I’d love to help!

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