Normally I like to offer actionable ideas – things you can implement or experiment with in order to bring purpose to your work, leadership, and life.
Today, I’d like to ask you NOT to do something.
You’ve probably seen memes on the internet suggesting the opposite of what I’m about to say. And chances are most of us have at least thought it a time or two ourselves.
But I’ll ask anyway:
Please don’t throw in the towel on 2020.
Don’t write off the year or label it as a defeat, a failure, or a complete disaster. Don’t toss out all you’ve worked for and just wait around for the new year to reset and start new goals.
Here are 3 reasons to support my heartfelt request:
1. You have grown by leaps and bounds this year.
“How do you know?” you might ask. Because this year has offered all of us opportunities for growth and development – and also because you grow every year. Look at something you’re doing now that you’ve never done before. Or look at something you can quickly accomplish now that, five years ago, would take you days or weeks or more. Look at your internal growth too, and the way you’re able to navigate change or support your wellbeing. That’s growth! It counts!
2. We have a lot of year left, and there’s a lot we can do.
As I publish this post, we still have more than a quarter of the year remaining. Three and a half months. Fifteen weeks. You could write and distribute an ebook in that time. You could launch a business or build a crafting shed or learn a new skill in that time. If you positively impact just one person a day, that’s over 100 people for whom you can make a difference yet in 2020!
3. The world needs you now more than ever.
We need the strengths, talents, and purpose that only you can provide. We need your creative vision, your calming presence, your inspiring energy, or whatever beautiful combination of gifts you possess. What cause matters most to you? Which of the world’s problems would you most like to solve? Just imagine what you could get started yet in 2020 to support that important issue!
I could go on and on, but I’ll close by suggesting once more: Don’t give up on this year. Every single day offers you the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to make your difference. It may look different than what you anticipated a year ago, or even a week ago, but that doesn’t mean you you can’t still achieve in meaningful, purposeful ways.
Thank you for making your positive difference! I’m rooting for you!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for Achievers, here to help you bring your purpose to work, leadership, and life! Reach out today to learn more.