One Thing You Can Improve This Week

There are a lot of things we cannot control. How helpful do you find it to dwell on them?
Christi Hegstad August 24th, 2020
The more concerned we become over things we can’t control, the less we will do to improve those things we can control.
– John Wooden

Due to a whopper of a storm, we recently lost power for about a week.

Due to a global pandemic, work, travel, even routine tasks have changed drastically.

I could quickly name a dozen other unexpected occurrences, and I bet you could, too.

There are a lot of things we cannot control.

How helpful do you find it to dwell on them?

This week, focus on what you can improve.

We all make a bigger difference than we probably realize. And we all have room for growth!

What’s one thing within your control that you could improve this week?

Your mindset or self-talk?

Your willingness to listen to a perspective different from your own?

Your ability to pause before responding?

The very next line following the above quote from The Essential Wooden reads: “Nevertheless, this is easier said than done.”

All the best goals typically are – which makes them all the more worthwhile!

Want to look back on 2020 as the year of your most meaningful success? Contact me today to discuss coaching!

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