“Not My Problem”: Time To Turn Away, Or Roll Up Your Sleeves?

Christi Hegstad May 25th, 2015

“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say, ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”

Fred Rogers

Coaching Tip for the Week:

How many times have you seen a story on the news or heard a colleague share an ongoing challenge and thought, “Someone should do something?”

How often do you remind yourself that you are someone?

We live in an amazing world, but not a perfect one. Opportunities for making a positive difference exist everywhere we turn. 

This is a great responsibility, and also a great blessing. And, as I often need to remind the leaders I coach, you don’t need to go it alone. Other heroes may be just waiting for you to reach out to them to help you change the world. 

This week, be someone that does something. If an issue comes up at work that you can help solve, take the initiative – even if it’s “not your job.” 

If you see someone in need of help, offer your assistance. 

If you hear about a charitable opportunity that tugs at your heartstrings, participate or spread the word or donate.

As Gandhi so sagely advised, be the change you wish to see in the world. 

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What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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