Navigating the Mountaintops and Valleys of Work, Leadership, and Life

Christi Hegstad May 24th, 2016

“Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.” 

Winston Churchill

Coaching Tip for the Week:

Where have you felt lately: Singing from the mountaintops? Or stuck in the valleys?

This past weekend, I posted on Instagram my resolve to turn over a new leaf in an area that has been in the valley. It’s going to require discipline and focus. I need to replace some less-than-stellar habits with new ones that fuel me body, mind, and spirit. I’ll be out of my comfort zone in several ways. 

But I made the decision to change – then promptly began taking action in favor of that decision. I brainstormed actions, created the framework of a plan, and consulted an expert to help me set it in motion. 

I am ready! But I wouldn’t succeed without that first step: Making the decision.

This week, consider an area of your work, leadership, or life that isn’t where you want it to be, and make the decision to change. 

I encourage you to adopt one of my Guiding Principles: Decide And Take Action. Once you’ve made the decision, immediately take an action in favor of it. 

Don’t just think about it. Move on it.

Set it in motion this week! No excuses, no regrets.

Dr. Christi Hegstad coaches you to live, work, and lead with meaning and purpose! 

A certified and award-winning coach, author, and speaker, Christi is a recognized leadership and professional development expert. She has received such honors as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, Forbes Coaches Council, and is current president of ICF Iowa. She is a frequently sought-after speaker and writer, contributing to Forbes, The Huffington Post, Des Moines Business Record, ICF, and more. 

Connect with Christi on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or by email.


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