My 2016 Manifesto

Christi Hegstad June 16th, 2016

I am big proponent of setting goals, creating vision and purpose statements, and living in honor of your values. But at the dawn of 2016, feeling a combination of both frustration and inspiration, I decided to try something a little different: I wrote a manifesto. It turned out to be an incredibly clarifying and purposeful exercise!

The dictionary definition of manifesto that I landed on is “a public declaration of intentions or motives.” Put simply, I see my manifesto as who and how I intend to be in this world. I keep this on my desk (those of you familiar with my Purpose Planner – it’s part of B.O.B. 😉 ) as a daily reminder. 

As we approach mid-year, I’m revisiting my manifesto a bit more closely and assessing how I’m carrying it out so far this year. Definitely some wins, and definitely some areas to course-correct. 

Up to this point, I’ve ignored the “public declaration” part of the manifesto definition. I’ve decided to share it now for two reasons: a) added accountability for me, and b) potential ideas for you, in case you’re interested in writing your manifesto, too.


I believe we choose who and how we want to be in this world. In 2016, I will:

1. SHOW UP. Fully. Freely. With an open mind, abundant heart, and confident spirit.

2. LESS THINKING, MORE DOING. Cultivate courage, strength, and grace through action.

3. SHARE FROM THE HEART. Even if it means exposing the full extent of my nerd-ness. 🙂  

4. DETACH. Strive for excellence, do my best, be all in…and detach from the outcome.

5. BE INTENTIONAL. Others’ moods and opinions do not dictate my own. I am the leader of my life.

6. LEARN more songs on my ukulele. 🙂 It’s difficult to be anything but cheerful when strumming the uke!

7. ASK FOR HELP. Admit when I don’t have it all figured out.

8. TRUST MY HEART. Respectfully, firmly, kindly stand up for what I believe in – even if I am the only one standing. 

9. PLAY. Let go of shoulds and burdens; grab the lightness of the moment. 

10. BE A STRONG, CONTINUOUS VOICE – that everyone matters, all work makes a difference, good always triumphs, and we are better together.

This is who/how I strive to be throughout 2016. How about you? We are at midyear, friends – what do you commit to for the second half of 2016? Share your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

I am Dr. Christi Hegstad, and I coach people to work, live, and lead with meaning and purpose. Ready to join the movement?

I am a certified executive & leadership coach, author, speaker, and president of MAP Professional Development Inc. I’ve been honored as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forbes Coaches Council, Forty Under 40, and president of the International Coach Federation (Iowa). I am a contributor to Forbes, The Huffington Post, Des Moines Business Record, and various magazines and books.

On the personal side, I am a book addict, coffee lover, and mom to three amazing kids. I am passionate about growth and believe kindness is a game-changer. I am a recovering perfectionist and am learning to lean into my vulnerability more and more.

I love working with meaningful achievers who want to make a positive difference in their work, lives, communities, and world. Join our mailing list, connect on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram, or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!

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