We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated by purpose. – Bob Goff
We often compare ourselves more than we realize, perhaps to:
* Peers
* Expectations of where we ‘should’ be by now
* What we think everyone else is doing
* Others’ highlight reels
* Our past selves
* Our future selves
* Strangers on the internet
I am all for being inspired by others and the possibilities of what could be.
But I learned a long time ago that comparison will nearly always leave me feeling like I’ve missed the mark.
This week, be motivated by purpose.
This may involve asking yourself new questions:
What makes me feel fulfilled? How could I bring that to life today?
What’s one thing I could do today that will make me smile thinking about it tonight?
What word(s) do I most want to describe me today?
If you have your written Purpose Statement, give it some extra attention this week.
Let go of the comparisons, and focus on who + how you wish to be in the world today instead!
Want to write your Purpose Statement in four steps? I can guide you – contact me today for a Purpose Statement coaching session!