For years, I have wrapped up each month with a life + business review – typically on the final Friday of the month, or what I call ‘CEO + Life Friday.’ While much of the process involves looking at data and measuring goal progress, I also like to reflect on general lessons learned. Here are some of the lessons and reminders January 2021 brought me:
1. The decision to start fresh – whether Jan 1 or the middle of a Thursday – feels invigorating (and can be done any time).
2. Chili + cornbread on a blizzardy evening = a bit of wintery bliss.
3. Everyone has a story, and everyone is dealing with challenges we know nothing about.
4. “One day at a time” can serve as a very helpful mantra.
5. Twinkle lights year-round are not only perfectly acceptable, but absolutely delightful.
6. I feel best about myself when I pay attention to – and honor – the basics: movement, water, core values, rest, etc.
7. I still have so much to learn.
8. I think writing in fountain pen on smooth paper actually calms my nervous system.
9. Wearing red – bright red – is an instant energy booster.
10. Always allow more time than you think it will take – whether a project, driving, healing. It takes the time it takes.
Do any of these resonate with you? What lessons did January bring you?
PS – I normally don’t share my monthly reflections here, but if you’d like to see them in the future, let me know in the comments below!
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