Some things I learned or rediscovered in the month of February:
1. In general, people do not give themselves enough credit for how strong, inspiring, and resilient they are.
2. Mindset work really benefits from daily commitment.
3. I never regret getting outside for a walk – even just a quick one.
4. The majority of what I worry about does not come to fruition. My heart knows this; my head seems to need reminders.
5. The word ‘should’ rarely leads to inspiration.
6. When I look at our youth, I have so much faith and confidence in our future.
7. Everything will be o.k … but not necessarily easy.
8. My physical space reeeeally impacts my focus, productivity, and mood. Time to declutter.
9. February is technically the shortest month but sometimes feels like three.
10. You may never know the impact you have on someone. Keep putting your good out into the world. It makes a difference.
Do any of these resonate with you? What other lessons did February bring?
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