How Many Rejections Can You Stand?

How close are you to giving up? Could you be on the verge of a breakthrough?
Christi Hegstad October 9th, 2016

How close are you to giving up? Could you be on the verge of a breakthrough?

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.”
Jim Watkins

Coaching Tip of the Week:

Have you ever heard of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series?

Guess how many rejection letters the authors of that series, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, received before one publisher was willing to give them a try?

5? 10? 20?

Try 150. 150 no’s before one yes. Imagine if they had given up with rejection #149? Your local Barnes & Noble would not have an entire wall dedicated to this popular series. Many would-be authors would not have their first chance at publishing their work. And most importantly, millions of readers who have been comforted, inspired, or changed by the books would not have had that experience!

What meaningful goal or purposeful dream do you feel about ready to give up on? Is it possible that you might be *thisclose* to a breakthrough?

This week, practice your power of persistence. Decide what goal or dream is worthy of your time, attention, and extra effort, then go the extra mile. Be like the river – persistent, forward-moving, and always in flow!

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