Have you ever helped a child learn to read? Little compares to watching them light up when they can sound out words on their own, or seeing their independence grow right along with their reading proficiency. Hearing them read an entire book all by themselves is like witnessing someone’s confidence grow right before your very eyes!
It warms my heart just thinking about it, but supporting literacy does much more than that: People with proficient reading skills are more likely to be employed and contributing to our economic development, and less likely to be in jail or on welfare.* Reading is a fundamental skill that truly changes lives.
I am thrilled that a portion of the proceeds from each Iowa 2020 ASPIRE Success Club enrollment will support Everybody Wins! Iowa (EWI), an organization with a mission to “increase children’s success in school and life through one-to-one reading and mentoring experiences with caring volunteers.” I recently met with executive director Karen Ligas (pictured with me here) who shared story after story of such life-changing experiences – for both kiddos *and* mentors! During FY19, EWI served nearly 1,000 students, helping them grow – as readers and in other ways, too – through positive, consistent partnerships.
ASPIRE members are passionate about growth and helping others grow, plus reading is part of our curriculum, so this is a beautifully aligned connection! And for our members joining outside of Iowa, a portion of proceeds from your enrollments will support Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, another phenomenal literacy organization.
If you’d like to enroll in the ASPIRE Success Club, visit ChristiHegstad.com/products/aspire-success-club today – enrollment closes on November 30! And if you’d like to learn more about EWI, including volunteer opportunities and other ways to support their literacy efforts, visit EverybodyWinsIowa.org.
* Sources: EWI website and literature, some of which also cites the National Center for Educational Statistics.
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for difference-making achievers! Clarify your vision, free up time, and confidently reach bold, compelling goals that matter! Contact us today for coaching, speaking, and Mastermind opportunities, or click here and fill in the blue box to join our email community.