Although September flew by in the blink of an eye, it still brought its share of experiences, reminders, and life lessons. Here are a few that stand out for me:
1. If it inspires you or moves you, pay attention.
2. Say YES to the homemade pear crisp.
3. Take responsibility where necessary. But also remember not everything is your responsibility.
4. For a planning nerd, nothing feels quite like a new week, month, and quarter all starting on the same day.
5. Your experience depends tremendously on your mindset. Fuel it accordingly.
6. Grief can appear unexpectedly. Be gentle with yourself.
7. ‘But what will everyone think?’ is not a valid excuse to do/not do something. Trust yourself.
8. It’s never too early for Christmas music.
9. Fall is an excellent time for cleaning up, clearing out, and letting go.
10. You always have options.
Do any of these resonate with you? What lessons did you learn this month?