Leadership, Purpose, and My Ukulele Debut

Christi Hegstad December 4th, 2014

This summer I took on a project that I dubbed 42 Days Of Yes. Every day for 42 days, I said YES to a healthy opportunity that either pushed me out of my comfort zone, strengthened an important relationship, or was totally just-for-fun but to which I might normally say No. 

One day, for no apparent reason, I said YES to a ukulele lesson. Lucky for me, my sister is an extraordinary musician whom I happened to be visiting. She taught me a song and was quickly dubbed the most patient teacher ever.  

And I was hooked! When I returned to Iowa, I purchased a ukulele, printed a chord chart, and watched some of my favorite ukulele players (Steve Martin and Eddie Vedder, for example) work their magic on YouTube. My family supported my new passion while periodically begging me to learn at least ONE different song. 🙂

Fast-forward two months: I am leading Spark, our one-day leadership workshop, guiding nearly 100 professional women to live, work, and lead with clarity and courage. A big part of bold leadership involves taking healthy risks, trying new things, and being able to grow through the experience – even if it’s not perfect. So toward the end of the Spark day, I modeled what I was teaching in a perhaps unconventional yet meaningful way: I pulled out my trusty ukulele and played (and sang!) a song. I did it imperfectly, but I survived, and even received a standing ovation from the kind and generous attendees.

While the ukulele recording offers haven’t been rolling in (yet!), I *have* heard from the Spark participants about the bold, courageous actions they are taking to pursue their dreams, make a difference, and change the world. Two are applying to grad school. One is finally meeting with a book publisher after years of “I need to do this.” Others have taken on challenging new leadership roles, begun their own version of 42 Days Of Yes, hired coaches, started businesses, and more. 

And do you know what at least half of them have mentioned when sharing their wins with me? “I just thought, if *you* can play the ukulele in front of this crowd after just 3 lessons, surely *I* can hit ‘Send’ on an email / make a phone call / take the first step.” 

And therein lies the purpose.

Marianne Williamson once wrote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be?”

Where are you holding back? Where are you playing small? What are you not doing because you might look ridiculous, or may even fail?

Your passions link directly to your purpose. I challenge you to say YES to a healthy opportunity that delights you, stretches you, and brings a little more joy into your world. Give yourself permission to do it imperfectly. Reach inside your depths for the courage to embrace your work and life wholeheartedly, even if it’s a little scary or uncertain at times.

And if your YES requires a ukulele performer, you know who to call. 😉

You can read about many of my 42 Days Of Yes adventures here on the blog – just click “42 Days Of Yes” under the Tags & Categories section. 

Spark photo credit: Kris Gaspari Photography

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Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As a Certified Executive and Leadership Coach and the President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she develops strong, confident leaders, helping you flourish with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action.

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