It’s not about you.
Coaching Tip of the Week:
Do you tend to take things personally?
Imagine a coworker walks by without acknowledging you. Do you instantly think you must have done something to offend him?
When you give a presentation, write an article, or craft a social media post, do you focus on how smart you sound – or on what your audience member/reader most needs?
Early in my business, when I was freaking out about something or other, one of my first coaches gifted me with this phrase: “Christi, remember: It’s not about you.” That has become somewhat of a mantra for me ever since.
This week, consider this possibility: It’s not about you.
When we remember these four words – It’s Not About You – we take things less personally, and we can also focus more on growth of others as well as ourselves. This can be both a great service and a huge relief.
Honor your boundaries, of course, but don’t let assumptions drag you down.
If someone brushes you off, ask yourself what they might be dealing with that you don’t know about.
If someone cuts in front of you in traffic, imagine with compassion what scenario might cause them to be in a hurry.
If someone acts jealous of you, know that they’re responding to something inside them, not you.
If you are speaking, writing, or serving in other ways, remember: It’s not about how great you are or how fantastic you look or how many ‘tweetables’ you offer.
It’s about lifting humanity, helping people know they matter, drawing out the best in others.
It’s not about you.