Is Your Desire To Live Without Regret Bigger Than Your Fear?

Christi Hegstad May 21st, 2015

How do you go from singing into your hairbrush as a child to, three decades later, stepping onstage and singing for upwards of 1,500 people? 

I recently had the opportunity to ask this and several other questions to Jennifer Goveia as part of the ASPIRE Success Club‘s Adventures In Boldness interview series. Jennifer, an HR professional with State Farm Insurance by day and the lead singer of Illinois-based band Rosetta Stone by night, shared her perspectives on courage, confidence, and living a life with no regrets. She openly shared with us how her frightening-yet-purposeful adventures have shaped who she is today and made a difference for others in the process.

A few of Jennifer’s inspiring suggestions:

1. Seize the opportunity, even before you’re ready. 

Jennifer has loved singing her entire life but, until age 33, her experience consisted of the aforementioned hairbrush, solo car rides, and the like. When she learned that a local band was looking for new lead vocals, she decided to audition. “They actually had someone else in mind for the part,” Jennifer shared. “It was my first time singing in front of others, and I was terrified. But I also really wanted the position!” 

Rather than feel unqualified or give in to her fear, Jennifer practiced, prepared, and rocked the audition – and has been singing onstage ever since.

2. Voice your praise.

Although Jennifer had a passion for singing, it wasn’t until someone else pointed out her potential that she started thinking about doing it publicly. “I was singing in the car, and my husband-to-be acknowledged my voice,” remembered Jennifer. “I’ve always had the passion for music, but lacked the confidence. His comments started planting those seeds of confidence in me, and it wasn’t long after that everything else transpired.”

We often don’t realize how powerfully our words impact others, and Jennifer’s story serves as an important reminder. One positive, genuine piece of praise can truly alter the course of someone’s life.

3. Measure your fear against possible regret.

“Even though I was excited, the first time I went on stage I had all kinds of fearful thoughts,” Jennifer recalled. “I remember being backstage thinking, ‘Let me disappear! Let them cancel the show!’ Preparation and positive reinforcement helped, but it was still scary.

“And what it came down to for me was this: I asked myself, ‘What if I looked back at the end of my life and realize I didn’t even try this? How would I feel?’ For me, the answer was regret, disappointment. My desire to live without that regret was bigger than my fear.”

In ASPIRE, we have been discussing vulnerability, comparison, and handling the critics – as there are always going to be some. Jennifer’s response to this topic was so profound, I wrote it on my white board in my office and hope it resonates with you too:

“You can’t control what other people say. You can, however, control the volume.”

Whether you work in HR for a Fortune 50 company or sing lead vocals for a band (or both, like Jennifer!), consider how you can play bigger in your role. What exciting opportunity can you seize – even if you’re not 100% ready yet? Whom can you praise and start planting seeds of confidence? When you look back over your life, what do you want to make sure you gave a shot?

Let Jennifer’s experience inspire and motivate you to have your own Adventures In Boldness!

To find out more about Rosetta Stone, visit them on Facebook!

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What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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