Different seasons of life call for different approaches to our personal growth.
I have really experienced this with one of my goals this year. What worked so well earlier in the year started feeling restrictive and discouraging by the time summer rolled around.
In times like those, is it best to persevere? Adjust our methods? Quit?
It depends, of course. But we can nearly always benefit from some reflection.
This week, ask yourself what you most need.
Consider what you want to achieve by year-end.
Does it require taking big actions, or small consistent steps?
Would it benefit from detailed tracking, or a more free-flowing approach?
Are you craving outer support and connection, or inward quiet and reflection?
Pay attention to what you need in this season, and honor it the best you can.
And if you want to hear how things are turning out with my aforementioned goal, you can read about it here!
Doors open to two powerful programs later this week – subscribe to our newsletter to get all the details!