“I’m so glad I finally ______________.”
On December 31, as you look back over your year, how do you want to complete that sentence? What is the one thing you most want to be able to say?
Are you on track?
As of this writing, we have 15 weeks left in 2024. Fifteen weeks is plenty of time to achieve something significant – but only if we’re intentional about it. Today, I want to help you kickstart that intentionality.
A vague vision leads to vague results, and having too many goals can lead to spreading ourselves too thin. If you’ve felt at all like you’re floundering this year, or you’re incredibly busy but not actually moving the needle forward, it could be due to an unclear vision. A clear, focused, purposeful picture of where we’re headed tends to lead to clear, focused, purposeful, results-producing actions.
So let’s start by gaining that clarity.
Fill In Your Blank
Seriously, how would you like to complete that sentence?
“I’m so glad I finally _____________.”
Pull out a piece of paper and jot down whatever comes to mind. Your thoughts might go immediately to areas like health and fitness, finances, leadership growth, spiritual development, or enhancing relationships. Excellent.
But don’t rule out the perhaps lesser-considered areas, such as:
Meaning / Fulfillment at work
Time / Energy Management
You can create a vision and set goals within these areas – in fact, a good portion of my coaching focuses on this! You might be surprised how truly building your confidence or up-leveling your time / energy management can actually clear the path to countless other goals.
Start Here, Start Clear
Today, I encourage you to brainstorm a few possibilities for completing the above sentence. Over the next day or two, choose the one that matters to you the most.
Let this serve your guide as you craft the action plan that will get you from here to there.
For additional tools and support to then make this happen, be sure to check out the opportunity below! I’d love to connect with you at the end of the year, hear you say what you’re so glad you finally achieved, and celebrate right along with you!
Enrollment now open and limited spaces available in the Bold Goal Bonanza – a rare one-time, one-session coaching opportunity! Click here for details.