How Much Do You Believe You Can Do It?

Christi Hegstad November 30th, 2015

“Not everyone needs to believe in your dream. But you do.”
Chris Guillebeau
Coaching Tip for the Week:

When I’m out talking about Big Dreams and Bold Goals, I also discuss how it’s not all “puppies and rainbows.” You will likely encounter difficulties along the way. Some of those difficulties might cause you to question your dreams, goals, and self.

I often share the story of Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. They created a book, then sought to get it out into the world. Publisher after publisher rejected it. Not just 10, not 20, not 50…150 of them

Their book was rejected 150 times before one publisher finally gave it a shot.

Consider how much they had to believe in their book to endure 150 rejections.

And just think: if they hadn’t believed in their book that strongly, we would not have the Chicken Soup For The Soul series that so many of us know and love!

This week, ask yourself: How much do I believe in this dream/goal? 

If you feel you could persevere through rejections, challenges, and obstacles, keep going!

If not, there might be a host of reasons, but I suggest this: Reconnect with your ‘why’. Knowing the purpose behind your effort makes all the difference.

I, for one, can’t wait to see what Big Dreams and Bold Goals you’re about to make come true!

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What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, president of the International Coach Federation (Iowa), and mom to three amazing kids. 

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