Helping Others Helps You

What's your go-to action when doubt, fear, or uncertainty appear? This single step may change your entire mindset.
Christi Hegstad September 11th, 2017
We have at our fingertips an infinite capacity to light a spark of possibility. Passion, rather than fear, is the igniting force. Abundance, rather than scarcity, is the context.
Zander & Zander
Coaching Tip of the Week:
We live in a time of endless possibility. When things seem too huge or difficult, however, we can easily forget this.
One way to remember? Get out of our own heads and support someone else in growing their mindset, courage, and ability to make a difference.
This week, help someone expand their sense of possibility
A friend doubting himself? Remind him of a challenging goal he successfully reached in the past.
A family member worried about current events? Help her focus on actions she can take and what’s within her control to change.
An employee shutting down ideas with “It will never work”? Ask him to generate 3-5 possible solutions as a starting point.
If fear currently seems like the igniting force, check my post on yesterday’s Instagram or Facebook for several more ideas (and, as always, feel free to add your own). If you’re ready to be surrounded by possibility, join us for Spark before the Earlybird Rate ends!

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