After feeling a bit under-motivated recently, I took a thoughtful look at my task list and noticed something curious:
Several items were appearing for the second, third, or fourth week in a row.
In some cases, they had appeared week after week for months.
And in looking around my home and office, I also noticed several ‘not quite there yet’ or ‘almost done’ projects there, too.
Lots of stuff undone = clutter, distraction, and (for me, anyway) low motivation. How about you?
A New Habit
One of the most satisfying – and perhaps underrated – habits we can develop is one you may not have considered before:
The habit of COMPLETION.
It was a habit I had let slide, and I definitely noticed.
To remedy the situation, I time-blocked a few hours the following Monday with the sole purpose of completing as many almost-finished tasks as I could.
I literally felt lighter afterwards!
If you find yourself dragging a bit or feeling less-than-motivated, see if you can take a couple of things all the way to completion: mail that birthday card, finish reading that tabbed article, wash that paint stain off the entryway mirror, actually shred your ‘to shred’ file.
Then, do what you can to build this habit of completion into your work and life.
You may find that finishing what you start (not to mention the exhilaration that comes with checking things off the list :)) leads to a whole new level of motivation!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for Achievers, here to help you bring your purpose to work, leadership, and life! Reach out today to learn more.