Giving the world your best is not always easy.
Some days, you may give your best and end up hurt.
Some days, it just may feel too difficult in the first place.
Some days, you might decide the world doesn’t deserve your best.
And some days, you might just be tired, heartbroken, or plain just don’t feel like it.
Can you do it anyway?
Mother Teresa still shines as an example of a deeply impactful leader. She did not lead a life of luxury, she did not claim to hold any great power, she didn’t seek the spotlight or magazine covers or celebrity. Not that there’s anything inherently wrong with that; just that she modeled quiet leadership in a way that has truly changed lives as well as inspired millions.
Her days were not always easy. She wrote about difficult times, unbelievable challenges, and significant doubts.
Yet she awoke each morning and gave her best anyway.
In my own leadership – as well as in my parenting, friendship, and just in my desire to be a good human – I often turn to Mother Teresa’s example. I try to give my best – even when I’m feeling exhausted, scared, or uncertain. I don’t always succeed. But I try anyway.
How about you? What helps you continue to make a positive, purposeful difference in this world, even when it’s not easy? What helps you persevere anyway?
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To see the full poem, Do It Anyway, attributed to Mother Teresa, click here.