I wrote previously about investing in support (coaching, expertise outside your own, and so on) before you feel ready or like you can afford it. In a similar way, you can give back to the communities, organizations, and people that you support. As Anne Frank wrote, “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
Whether time, money, items, talents, or service, we can all support the greater good in countless ways. And while I typically don’t publicize MAP Inc.’s giving practices, they’ve been a cornerstone of the business since the beginning. Now, we link every service, product, and offering to causes that align with our values.
If you own your business, you can build giving into your strategy. If you work within an organization, you can participate in – or propose – similar programs. And we can each do our part as individuals.
Giving to others is a win-win-win situation. The more we give, the better for all!
As I celebrate 14 years in business this month, I’m sharing 14 lessons – one per post – that I’ve learned (many the hard way) over the years. I hope they help you work with meaning and live with purpose!