Ah, spring: The time of incredible clarity, boundless energy, and unbridled motivation.
Or not.
Every year since I started this business 14+ years ago, spring rolls around and I hear – repeatedly – some version of this statement: “The weather’s nice, the sun has returned, everything is fresh and new again…and I have no motivation. What’s wrong with me?”
Sometimes I am the person I hear that from the most!
The truth is, if you feel low in motivation these days, nothing is wrong with you. Yes, the newness of spring can be invigorating – but it also signals that our big annual goals are likely in “maintenance mode” (not too exciting), maybe a fun spring vacation is behind us, or distractions have multiplied seemingly overnight. If you’re a parent, the sheer number of emails and events and to-do’s this time of year may cause you to look wistfully back at the hibernation phase of winter!
Fortunately, you can re-ignite your motivation. Three of my favorite strategies:
1. Create a breakthrough map. Jot down everything that energizes, delights, or motivates you, so you have a collection of ideas to call on when low-mojo strikes. Engage your team in this activity for even more possibilities.
2. Leave. Bring your project to a new location: a local park, a picnic shelter at the lake, a nearby rose garden or art center. A change of scenery works wonders on motivation and innovation.
3. Seek support. Seriously – if it weren’t for my coach, my mastermind partners, and a few other select inspirational people in my life, I’m not sure I’d get anything accomplished! Hire a coach, join a group, engage a therapist, or find a professional in your area of growth to help light your fire.
What lights you up these days? Where does your energy seem to naturally flow? Give yourself permission to go there, even if only for a brief time to lift your mindset. And be sure to join me on Instagram for more ideas that I’ve shared recently and to add yours!