Last week, I decided to get 12 inches of hair cut off, followed by an epiphany of sorts.
A hairpiphany, if you will. 🙂
As is typical of epiphanies, this one surprised me: Even though this year has brought seemingly endless change and constant new-ness, I realized I had fallen into some ruts – mostly with my thinking.
Feeling like I should be further along.
Thinking I should have more figured out by now.
Wondering if I should be doing things (ie, every single thing) differently than I currently am.
(Side note: ‘Should’ is one of my least-favorite words, and look at how often it appears! No wonder I needed a fresh start.)
The familiar wisdom then popped into my mind: We can’t keep doing the same thing, or thinking the same thoughts, and expect different results. It just doesn’t work that way.

So, when I made the decision to get the bulk of my hair cut off, I decided a few other things, too:
To intentionally create from a place of vision, purpose, and confidence – rather than from fear or uncertainty.
To share my feelings, creativity, even a selfie of my new haircut – without worrying about imperfection. This is an ever-present challenge for the Enneagram 3 in me. 🙂
To reach out more – rather than retreating inward to try and figure everything out myself. (Anyone else tend to do this, too?)
At the risk of sounding dramatic, this ‘fresh start’ thinking has felt life-changing in many ways – and it didn’t occur on January 1, or on the first of the month, or even on a Monday! Deciding that I needed a mindset shift occurred mid-day, mid-week, mid-cup-of-coffee – and its impact has been just as powerful as a new year’s commitment.
Where could you use a shift in your thinking? Don’t wait until the elusive ‘perfect time’ to make a change. Commit today – even to one baby step in the right direction – and see if you feel lighter as a result!
Enrollment to the 2021 ASPIRE Success Club opens on November 1! Sign up here to get all the details – then join us for an entire year of clarity, community, and coaching!