Ready to start a new chapter but not sure how? If we were discussing this over coffee, here are a few questions I might ask:
* What makes this new chapter feel important to you?
* If I waved a magic wand and everything went beautifully, what would be different for you a year from now?
* When you think about taking a step, what pulls you back?
When I am coaching my clients toward their next chapter, we start by getting clear on WHAT we’re creating – and WHY.
The HOW then tends to fall into place.
If you feel stalled, pull out a journal and explore these questions. Focus on what you’d love things to look and feel like, getting crystal-clear on that *first.* You likely have more answers within you than you realize!
And if you’d like to discuss this more in-depth and create a practical, purposeful plan going forward, let me know – I have openings for two new clients this month and I’d love to help you design your next chapter!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for weekly coaching tips, free resources, book recommendations, and more!