Looking for some reading material this holiday weekend? I’ve read a bunch of books so far this year and these three top my nonfiction list for the first half of 2021:
Shoe Dog is the story of how Nike came into existence. Knight’s examples of dedication, persistence, and the importance of believing in what you’re doing were wrapped up in some extraordinary stories along the way. Great for entrepreneurs, leaders, salespeople, and those building something from scratch.
The Library Book read like a novel to me – it starts with the 1986 fire of the LA Public Library and from there shares the myriad ways books, libraries, and librarians so profoundly serve our lives. I loved the way the author demonstrated the often-unsung impact libraries have in our communities. Excellent for book lovers, leaders, and those looking for creative examples of community impact.
I’ve read a ton on the topic of burnout, but the well-titled book Burnout took this body of knowledge to a whole new level. From the concept of ‘closing the stress cycle’ to the role things like body image and societal expectations play in burnout, I highlighted something on nearly every page of this one. A terrific read for anyone feeling the tendencies of burnout, as well as coaches and other professionals who work with people navigating this ever-prevalent topic.
Have you read any of these – or does one jump out at you? What other excellent books have you read so far this year? Please share any and all below!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC, is the Practical + Purposeful Coach for Achievers! Join our email community for weekly coaching tips, free resources, book recommendations, and more!