“Most of us aren’t in total control of our time. But we are in control of our energy.” – Molly Fletcher
We have all probably had a meeting scheduled at the end of an exhausting week, when all we want to do is head home, pour an iced tea, and relax on the deck.
And we have all likely experienced a day or two (or many) where our plans were pushed to the side in order to address an unexpected issue.
How do you handle moments when it feels like time is not in your control?
This week, choose your energy.
If I go into that last-minute meeting complaining, annoyed, and telling everyone how tired I am, I’m probably not feeling a lift in my energy.
(And I’m probably draining everyone else’s in the process!)
But if I choose to enter that meeting or approach the change in plans with a commitment to add something of value, or to gain at least one new learning, or to make a positive impact on someone in the room, I can change the entire experience – for me and for those around me.
Throughout the upcoming week, decide the energy you wish to bring. You may not always control your time, but you can choose – with intention – who and how you will be in a given experience.
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