Don’t Go Through Life – GROW Through Life: Interview with Dr. Christina Hibbert

Christi Hegstad October 27th, 2015


That is the word that continually came to mind during my recent interview with Dr. Christina Hibbert, a clinical psychologist and expert on the issues of grief, loss, mental health, and self-esteem. Over the past eight years, life has thrown many curve balls Dr. Hibbert’s – who also goes by Christi – way, beginning with the death of her sister and brother-in-law and her subsequent adoption of their two sons. All of this occurred just weeks before Christi’s fourth biological child was born, growing her family from 5 to 8 practically overnight. 

Several losses, unexpected challenges, family legal issues, and more have occurred since that time, yet Christi’s perspective remains on the side of growth. “I thought life was being thrown way off-course,” she says of those early days, “but all of this actually turned me onto a greater course.” Christi exemplifies her motto in every way: Don’t just go through life, grow through life. Her perspective has inspired countless others through her books, blogs, radio show, and public speaking.

We covered a lot of ground in our recent interview with the ASPIRE Success Club, everything from perfectionism to self-care to random acts of kindness. I caught myself not only taking all kinds of notes, but drawing little hearts and stars next to many of Christi’s comments as they resonated so deeply. 🙂 She clearly believes there is meaning and purpose to be found in everything we experience, we just need to be open to the lessons.

“I’ve learned to let go of control,” Christi writes in This Is How We Grow, “or rather, I’ve learned I never really had control in the first place.” I had to ask about this, since letting go – whether of control, perfectionism, or the way things “should” be – can be so challenging. “There’s a beauty in being able to let go,” Christi shares. “It’s like being able to exhale.” Not always easy, but always worthwhile.

She also gently, but firmly, encourages all of us to honor our self-worth and help those around us do the same. “Instead of asking, ‘What’s the best thing I can do right now?'” Christi offers, “try asking, ‘What’s the most loving thing I can do right now?'” And when it comes to sharing kindness with others, never delay. “If you have that prompting, DO IT. It might be exactly what that person needs.”

It all circles back to perspective, something Christi seems to have in spades. With her lifelong love of learning and passion for growth, she continually looks for the lessons to be learned – even in the hard stuff. She also models this for her family and those she connects with through her work. All of which helps her – and those in her world – to live her motto:

Don’t just go through life. Grow through life!

To learn more about Dr. Christina Hibbert, visit her website at

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What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, president of ICF Iowa, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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