Design Your 2020 Turnaround Story

What would your favorite magazine write about YOU this year?
Christi Hegstad June 25th, 2020

Imagine this:

It’s the end of 2020, and your favorite publication has just contacted you.


Because they want to feature YOU in their next issue.

They heard about you:

How halfway through 2020 you decided, with intention, to make this a truly outstanding year.

How you focused on a few key areas and grew tremendously in them.

How you took specific actions during the second half of your year to transform your own life as well as the lives of others.

And they want to inspire the world with your story!
How would that feel?
We’re officially at the mid-year point, friends, so now is the time to envision what you want the second half of 2020 to look like – and to make it happen!
Set aside some quiet time with your journal, a cool beverage, and my complimentary Mid-Year Review + Renew worksheet, which you can request here.
Have fun with this exercise! And if you’d like to make the ideal your reality, contact me today for a coaching consultation!

Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for Difference-Making Achievers! Contact us today to discuss coaching opportunities.

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