Declutter Your Goals!

Christi Hegstad February 26th, 2014

Do you have clutter?

If you answer “No” to this question, you should probably do a little celebrating today. 🙂 For the rest of us, organizing extraordinaire Donna Smallin Kuper can help.

As part of the ASPIRE Success Club‘s Author-Expert Interview series, I recently had the opportunity to chat with Donna about how clutter gets in the way of achieving our highest goals – and more importantly, what to do about it. As the bestselling author of 12 books and a frequent speaker on the topic, Donna had oodles of ideas to share with us. And having recently sold her house and moved into the RV lifestyle, you can rest assured that Donna has had ample opportunity to put her own tips into practice! 

Here are a few key takeaways that you can implement with your own clutter – whether it comes in the form of paper piles, “stuff,” mental chatter, an overbooked schedule, or any other type.

  1. Know Your ‘Why’. This principle applies in the bigger picture of life – knowing your purpose – but also within the details of your belongings. Why do you have clutter? For some, it’s a desire to fulfill emotional needs through purchasing, for others it’s difficulty making decisions about what to let go. As Donna reminds us, “Today’s purchases become tomorrow’s clutter.” When you know your bigger ‘why’ as well as why you allow clutter in your space and life, you can start taking specific actions to address it. A great side tip to keep in mind when it comes to purchases, whether for yourself, your family, or gifts: choose experiences over things. You’ll have better memories and less to organize.
  2. Break Down Big Projects. If you have “Declutter my office” on your to-do list, it’s probably remained on your list for a good long time. That’s simply too large a goal to tackle on a Wednesday afternoon. Break your project down into small, manageable pieces, then assign those pieces to your to-do lists. With physical clutter, Donna suggests keeping it simple: “Start with just 2 piles: ‘Important Stuff’ and ‘Decide Later.’ Sorting items into those 2 piles gets you in motion and will help you gain momentum.” Note how this translates to any big project in your work or life.
  3. Schedule Your Passions. “The first thing I put on my calendar every day is something that I love,” shares Donna. “This simple step helps me feel more in control of my life.” We all know that if we wait until we have the time for our passions and self-care, they can easily get pushed to the bottom of the list – if they make it on the list at all. Schedule in that hike, coffee with a friend, bike ride, or quiet reading time, then honor it as you would a doctor’s appointment. 

As with most of life, your greatest clarity – whether in your physical, mental, spiritual, or relational space – comes when you identify and choose to honor your top priorities. When I first read one of Donna’s books 10 years ago, her message resonated loud and clear: Decide what matters most, then clear away the excess that stands in the way. Apply this principle to your work and life, and you will find yourself living with greater peace, increased focus, and, more than likely, a lot less stuff!

Learn more about Donna’s work and sign up for her free newsletter at You can find her latest book, Secrets Of Professional Organizers, on Amazon.

What’s your favorite decluttering tip? Share your thoughts below, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches executives and leaders who feel stuck – whether at an income level, in their leadership abilities, or “spinning their wheels” in the day-to-day – to flourish towards their vision with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action. 

Learn more at and follow Dr. Christi on Facebook and Twitter.



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