Have you ever spent an entire afternoon decluttering a drawer that no one but you will ever see?
Or felt super satisfied by the smallest ‘invisible’ win – like getting all your groceries in the house in one trip? (Yes, I am also that person who will have bags all the way up my arms just to save myself an extra trip!)
I’ve spent a fair amount of time doing things no one else will ever know, or care, about.
Cleaning up inactive email addresses in my newsletter database.
Writing drafts of articles that may never see the light of day.
Dusting and reorganizing my bookshelves.
Some might ask, if it’s not seen by others, then does it matter?
(And by that standard, since I haven’t posted anything on most of my social media for nearly a year, could one argue that the vast majority of what I do doesn’t matter?)
But you know what?
Maybe if it matters to you, then it matters. Period.
If integrity is doing the right thing when no one else is looking,
maybe fulfillment is doing something important to you whether or not others see, or know, or care,
and still viewing it as time well spent.
I wholeheartedly believe in acknowledging others’ efforts and accomplishments, and giving / receiving credit where it’s due – that’s not what I’m talking about here.
But if you minimize your tiny wins or hidden achievements because ‘they don’t really matter anyway,’ I encourage you to think again.
Clearing out that drawer might actually lead to clarity on a decision you need to make or a fresh idea you want to pursue.
That little groceries-in-one-trip experience might bring a smile to your face – a smile you’ll surely pass on to someone else.
Maybe we get to decide what matters.
And maybe it all matters.
What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!