Courage, Passion, and Making a Significant Difference: Meet Melissa Clarke-Wharff

Christi Hegstad April 15th, 2015

Imagine your active 8-year-old son unexpectedly suffers multiple strokes, after which he must re-learn how to do pretty much everything. An avid sports fan his entire young life, you decide to take him to an adaptive sports facility so he can engage in his passion while healing – only to discover no such facility exists.

What do you do?

If you’re Melissa Clarke-Wharff, you create that facility. Not only for your son, but for any of the 28,000 children in your community that want to play but, for various reasons, cannot operate at full speed.

After 25 years in the hospitality industry, Melissa left her “safe” job to create Courage League Sports, a nonprofit with a very clear vision: Every child deserves to play. With a small but dedicated staff, numerous volunteers, and support from her entire network, Melissa has grown the registered nonprofit to help over 200 families play – a number that continues to increase as they collaborate more with area organizations and schools.

Melissa took time from her busy, fulfilling schedule recently to share her journey with the ASPIRE Success Club. A few of her many lessons imparted:

Jump In & Get Started. Melissa didn’t have all the answers when she began this project, but she had passion, dedication, and was a “mom on a mission.” Rather than waiting until she had everything figured out or until that elusive “perfect time,” Melissa just took a step – and then another, and another. “You’ve got to put yourself out there,” Melissa shares. “Be flexible, keep a good sense of humor, and do what you can and need to do.” 

Develop A Strong Support System. Having good support is a non-negotiable when pursuing your passion. For Melissa, support comes from her family, team, colleagues, board of directors, and more. From providing expertise to talking through fears to volunteering at the facility, Melissa isn’t sure where she’d be with her strong support network. “They help me look at things in a different way,” she explains.

Let Inspiration Guide You. Challenges arise, unexpected barriers appear, things get tough. What keeps a person moving through the trials? For Melissa, inspiration comes from several places: knowing her work makes a difference, doing the right thing, modeling how one can turn a passion into a reality. Most of all, her son, now age 14, inspires her: “Jack has had 30 leg surgeries over the past 5 years. I find strength in his strength. If he can endure what he does, then I can do what I’m doing.” 

“If you think something will make a difference,” Melissa advises, “you’ve got to go with it.” Start somewhere. Surround yourself with support. Pay attention to your inspiration.

And if (when) the going gets tough, think of Melissa, Jack, and all the athletes and Courage League Sports – and let their bravery inspire yours!

Learn more about Melissa and Courage League Sports at

What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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