“I want to get in shape” vs. “I’ve designed an exercise plan, blocked time on my calendar for workouts, and registered for a 5k this spring.”
“I want to grow my business” vs. “I’ve hired a coach, selected my top 3 business priorities, and set up a system to keep me in better touch with clients.”
“I want” vs “I’m committed.” See the difference?
This week, commit to your top goal(s).
Rather than just wanting, wishing, or hoping for your goal to become your reality, commit to making that happen. Some tactics you might employ:
* Break the goal down into manageable pieces. (Try my favorite technique for this – learn more here.
* Block time on your calendar for your goal.
* Invest in professional support, whether that’s a coach, personal trainer, organizer, therapist, or other expert.
* Set up regular accountability. Your coach will provide this, but you can also seek it out through a group membership or accountability partner.
* Refine your self-talk and how you word your goal. Consciously change “I want to” or “I’d like to” to a confident, action-backed “I AM.”
Commitment to your best self feels good! Make it happen this week.
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for difference-making achievers! Clarify your vision, free up time, and confidently reach bold, compelling goals that matter! Contact us today for coaching, speaking, and Mastermind opportunities, or click here and fill in the blue box to join our email community.