Chore Or Meaningful Experience? Depends On This

Christi Hegstad August 17th, 2015

“Researchers have found that even the smallest tasks can be imbued with greater meaning when they are connected to personal goals and values. The more we can align our daily tasks with our personal vision, the more likely we are to see work as a calling.” 

Shawn Achor

Coaching Tip for the Week:

You’ve heard me share, time and again, that meaningful work isn’t something awarded to a select few; it’s something we create, by design, with intention.

It also doesn’t mean every single task, every single day, is filled with fun.

But every task can be made meaningful. Really!

Here’s a small example from my life:

My family of five – which includes athletes, artists, gardeners, etc. – generates a fair amount of laundry. Folding laundry is not necessarily something I look forward to upon waking. But I have done two simple-yet-significant things to change this from “chore” to “experience.”

First, I shifted my mindset. Instead of groaning about the laundry, I give thanks for a healthy and active family, a washing machine that does the hard work for me, the freedom to wear whatever we want. 

Then, I thought about things I do love to do and asked myself how I might blend. I love to learn. I love to see inspiring people “doing their thing.” And so now before I start to fold laundry, I load a TED Talk onto my iPad and watch while I work.


This week, bring meaning and joy to one of your tasks. Think of one necessary to-do that you don’t particularly enjoy. Ask yourself how you might bring something you do enjoy to that task.

Then, with your new mindset and meaningful strategy, give it a whirl! Be sure to let me know how – below or on Facebook – it goes. 🙂

Ideally, your days will be deeply imbued with activities you love, people you enjoy, and goals that inspire. Learn how to design this for yourself at Spark – visit the website 
for details and the Earlybird Rate! 


What if your boldest dream is actually within reach…and you don’t even realize it? 

Dr. Christi Hegstad, Dream Igniter & Growth Accelerator. Christi is a Certified Coach who has helped thousands clarify and reach Big Dreams and Bold Goals with meaning and purpose. She is president of MAP Professional Development Inc., NAWBO Iowa’s Woman Business Owner of the Year, president of ICF Iowa, and mom to three amazing kids. 

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