Choose From Hope, Not Fear

Let the words of Nelson Mandela help you *respond* instead of *react* with this week's Clarity Kickstart.
Christi Hegstad February 12th, 2017
May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
Nelson Mandela
Clarity Kickstart for the Week:
Have you ever thought of the difference between reacting and responding? The words are often used interchangeably but their meanings differ drastically.
Like in a science lab, a reaction can happen instantaneously. Often, in life, it occurs in moments of fear, anger, or another strong emotion.
When you respond, however, you pause. You breathe before you speak or act. In that pause, you can reconnect with your vision – your hopes – and move forward with intention, grace, and respect. Even if the moment is emotionally charged.
You can decide. And in that decision comes power and strength.
This week, respond – from a place of hope.
Focus on pausing before responding. Take a momentary breath and reflect on your ideal – what could be – before speaking. Practice this in conversation, on social media, and in any other opportunity that arises.
You will feel stronger, build confidence, and be much more likely to progress toward your vision.
If we’re connected on social media, you’ve likely seen this picture already – I am sharing it everywhere as I believe Mandela’s statement is one we cannot hear too often. If we’re not connected yet, let’s learn from each other on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter


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