CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: The Spark Effect Project

Christi Hegstad February 4th, 2016

We’ve all encountered them: maybe it’s your barista or your boss, the hotel concierge or the hospice nurse, a custodian or a campsite owner, your grocery clerk or your general practitioner. 

That person who, whenever you encounter them and for no matter how brief a time, leaves you feeling better than when you came – simply because of their attitude, kindness, or that special “spark” they bring to their work.

Who comes to mind?

I want to talk with them!

Not only do I want to show these wonderful souls off to the world, I also want to learn what makes them tick. How do they stay positive, especially in difficult situations? Are they engaged in their dream jobs, or simply making the best of a current situation? Do they know what a difference their work makes – to you and others?

I will highlight many of these special “sparks of light” on my blog, in social media, in my upcoming book, and various other places. 

Please email us with your nomination for The Spark Effect Project! Send us their name, where they work (include city and state), any contact information you can provide (even if it’s just the phone number of their place of business), and a couple sentences about why you’ve nominated them. If we highlight the “spark” you nominate, we’ll include your name in the book and post as well.

Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals have far-reaching effects. ~ Dalai Lama

Let’s shine a light on those people that spark ripples of positivity! Thank you for helping set the Spark Effect in motion! 

Email your nomination to assistant(at) today!


I am Dr. Christi Hegstad, and I coach people to work, live, and lead with meaning and purpose. Ready to join the movement?

I am a certified executive & leadership coach, author, speaker, and president of MAP Professional Development Inc. I’ve been honored as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, and president of the International Coach Federation (Iowa).

On the personal side, I am a book addict, coffee lover, and mom to three amazing kids. I am passionate about growth and believe kindness is a game-changer. I am a recovering perfectionist and am learning to lean into my vulnerability more and more.

I love working with meaningful achievers who want to make a positive difference in their work, lives, communities, and world. Join our mailing list, connect on Facebook (/MAPIncFan) Twitter (@DrChristiCoach) and Instagram (DrChristiHegstad), or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!


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