Stephanie Majeran has achieved a number of goals throughout her life: degrees, marathons, business ownership, CPA licensure, and beyond. When she attended our ASPIRE Bold Goal training at the start of the year, however, Stephanie was ready for a change.
“I had done so much goal-setting and checked so many boxes already,” she shared. “Something had been building up in me for a while, and I knew I wanted to do things differently.”
So instead of a specific, measurable Bold Goal, Stephanie opted for our alternative route of a Bold Intention. She declared 2019 her year of PEACE.
In our monthly meetings and our ASPIRE discussion forum, Stephanie has shared her experiments and experiences along the way. Her peace-cultivating practices have included consciously slowing down, making intentional mindset shifts, gaining greater self-acceptance, saying ‘no’ more, engaging in yoga and meditation, reading daily devotionals, and tracking her peaceful habits.
She has taken an eagle-eye view of her business to discern how to invite more peace into her professional life.
She even embarked on a personal retreat to Florida for a few days after tax season – not necessarily an easy feat for a business owner, active community member, wife, and mom of a preschooler – but she knew she would benefit from the clarity, spaciousness, and insights it would provide, so she made it happen.
Stephanie credits the accountability of our monthly ASPIRE meetings and the diverse, supportive women in the group for much of her peaceful growth this year, and is already enrolled for 2020. “I honestly feel like a fog has lifted,” she told me recently, “like a weight has been removed from my shoulders.”
Come join Stephanie and other inspiring women in the ASPIRE Success Club! Enrollment is open until Nov 30 at ChristiHegstad.com/products/aspire-success-club
What is one quality *you* would like to cultivate more of in your own work or life?
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for difference-making achievers! Clarify your vision, free up time, and confidently reach bold, compelling goals that matter! Contact us today for coaching, speaking, and Mastermind opportunities, or click here and fill in the blue box to join our email community.