Bold Goals: THE Most Important Element

Christi Hegstad February 5th, 2014

Next week, our ASPIRE Success Club members will each declare a Bold Goal for the year – the career/business goals for which we’ll hold them accountable, provide support, and celebrate success. It’s an exciting process filled with positivity and forward-moving action.

To prepare, we held a Bold Goal-setting workshop a few weeks ago. Before jumping into the Bold Goal criteria, we reviewed the basics. Perhaps you’ve heard of SMART goals, an acronym that first appeared in the early 1980s. Although it’s taken various forms since then, SMART goals meet the following criteria:

* SpecificWhat exactly will you achieve?

* MeasurableHow will you know when you’ve reached it?

* ActionableIs the goal within your power to achieve?

* RealisticCan you feasibly reach this goal?

* TimelyIs now the right time for this goal? What is your time frame?

All good criteria, to be sure. But in my experience, one element stands out among the rest as the most important:


Your Bold Goal must be authentic, meaningful, and energize you into action. It needs to prompt emotion – excitement, delight, maybe even a bit of fear (as in, “Did I really just say that out loud?!”). You need to connect with your goal in a purposeful way if you hope to joyfully and successfully fulfill it – especially a Bold Goal, which will typically take the better part of the year to reach.

As you review your goal, ask yourself:

* What emotion does this prompt in me?

* How will I feel upon achieving this?

* Why does this goal matter?

* How will my work/life be different when I reach this goal?

You won’t often see this emotional side of goals highlighted in the academic literature, but after 20 years of working with high achievers, I can assure you the feelings associated with your goals matter greatly. So embrace the touchy-feely side and savor your success!

“If your goals aren’t synced with the substance of your heart, then achieving them won’t matter much.”

~ Danielle LaPorte


Do you believe “resonant” is an important criteria to goal success? Share your thoughts below, on Facebook, or via Twitter


Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches executives and leaders to get unstuck and reach Bold Goals with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action. 

Learn more at and follow Dr. Christi on Facebook and Twitter.


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