“Shoot for the moon!”
“Aim high!”
“Go for gold!”
“Dream big!”
Do you find these maxims inspiring … or exhausting?
Honestly, sometimes I flop between both.
Maybe you do, too.
And ‘flopping’ truly feels like the best word to describe it.
Lately, in a very broad and general sense, ‘dreaming big’ has felt perhaps a bit hidden in the world. Or maybe just a tad overpowered by other stuff.
Now, to be clear, this is certainly not the case for everyone. Each day we hear of someone profoundly growing their community-enhancing business, or discovering an important cure, or obtaining their dream job, or making a difference in their corner of the world. Reaching a big dream. Thank goodness!
Thank goodness, because they serve as inspiration and remind us of possibility.
And thank goodness, because their energy can be contagious.
After a recent bout with the ‘exhausting’ side of dreaming big, I decided it was time to make a change.
I reminded myself that I am at my best when I am moving toward a bold + meaningful goal, and when I am helping others do the same.
This is where I tend to thrive.
And I was ready to thrive again!
I then took a long-term dream – one I’ve held as a future-maybe-someday vision for almost two decades – and asked, “What is one thing I could potentially do now to move one step closer to this vision?”
I brainstormed a bunch of possibilities, and honestly just that act alone made a difference in my mood and mindset.
Then, I decided to set one of those possibilities in motion.
I took a small step. I gained a smidge of momentum, and took another small step. I talked things through with my coach.
It’s too soon to tell how it will pan out. But you know what? It almost doesn’t matter. Because just that act of dreaming, followed by a bit of movement, has revived me.
I’m not focusing on the failures I’ve experienced, but rather on the possibilities ahead.
I’m not dwelling on a recent rejection, but rather on what I want to create in its place.
Dreaming big feels energizing again. I know this energy won’t necessarily last forever, but I also know I have the power to revive it.
It’s ok to not always be aiming high or dreaming big. Even as an achiever. But if you’re feeling a bit in the aforementioned ‘flop’ mode, take a moment to ask yourself what you need.
For me, the answer quite often involves envisioning possibilities. Asking new and different questions. Surrounding myself with other big dreamers.
Moving – however quickly or slowly – in the direction of something bold + meaningful, something that lights me up and makes a difference.
I am now in a big dream revival.
And if that’s what you need too, I invite you to join me.
What big dream are you ready to start, or rekindle, or begin envisioning?
Share it below, or write it privately in your journal. Whatever works.
Regardless, know that I am thankful for your company in the revival, and that I’m rooting for you!